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Indian homemade remedies on weight loss - indian do-it-yourself corrections on weight loss

19-12-2016 à 15:50:44
Indian homemade remedies on weight loss
Obesity is defined as weight 20% or above the body mass index (BMI). The extra fat in your body can make you prone to diseases easily. Obesity is common among western countries and higher income group in India and other developing countries. Other factors which may lead to obesity are thyroid disturbances or pituitary gland disorders or may be due to heredity. Obesity increases the number of fat cells and its size all around the body, causing excess fat to be built, and this excess fat gets deposited around the waistline, resulting in its increase in size. Although, there are a wide range of weight loss pills and supplements available in the market that promise fast calorie loss, but these pills and supplements cause more harm than good in the long run and, therefore, it is best to rely on home remedies for losing weight using all natural ingredients that have zero side effects. Obesity or being overweight is caused due to boredom, depression, anger, lack of exercise, lack of rest, incorrect lifestyle, improper diet and hypothyroidism. Whether you are a youngster, teenager, parent or an employee, you are concerned about your weight. High blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack are few examples from the list of diseases. Inactive and sedentary lifestyle also is a cause for obesity. Try to control this urge before you pop something into your mouth. Obesity is a condition where there is an excess storage of fat in the body. Honey is high in fructose that works as a fuel for the liver to produce glucose and this in turn signals the release of fat burning hormones that burn excess fat from the body. Extract the juice of ginger and add 2 tbsp in a bowl. Ginger, on the other hand, enhances satiety, so that reduces the craving for unhealthy foods and works as a natural appetite suppressant. There are no specific symptoms of obesity, but it contributes to other major health problems like Blood pressure, Heart failure, diabetes, some types of cancer, Gallbladder disorders, etc, thereby increasing the risk of getting affected by these diseases. It is due to the kinds of food we are exposed to. Glandular disorders which cause obesity are rare and amount only to 2% of such cases.

Oily and fried foods and desserts seem to be the best delicious foods available. When a person eats or consumes food in excess of the quantity required by his body, it results in obesity. However you can try to use a few home remedies for weight loss, that will help you cut down the extra flab. Some people have the habit to consume more food than is required for them for a long period of time. The combination of honey and ginger is best home remedy for weight loss. This excess energy stored in the body is converted to fat and sugar and gives the person the appearance of being overweight. Taking this mixture twice a day will help to reduce your weight. It also raises the temperature of the body and boosts metabolism that helps in burning fat at a faster pace. As such more and more people are looking for Home Remedies for Weight Loss -Fast and Safe methods that are also easier to implement. Some of the ways to treat obesity at home are as follows. Try these natural remedies this is the answer to the question of how to overcome obesity and live a disease-free life. For people looking out for Best Home Remedies for Weight Loss, Fast- Safe and easy to implement dietary regimens for quick weight loss at home. Regretting eating an extra pastry or chicken piece or succumbing to late night food cravings is of no use. Increase in waistline is a symptom of obesity. Controlling the urge to devour that tasty chocolate ice cream is hard. Obese person carries the risk of increased possibility of developing diseases like hypertension, diabetes, gal bladder disorders etc.

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Indian homemade remedies on weight loss
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